
I write, draw, paint, sing, play my guitar and try to love others because I know I am dearly and endlessly loved and many of us are hurt and trampled and end up hurting others because no one chose to love us... But I believe we are all here to teach each other about the goodness that exists in this world and to evolve as a race to greater acts of love, compassion, and sacrifice... including and not limited to loving the earth and animals that are all around us that we have forgotten to watch after. I have been singing since I can remember and I really want to encourage others who suffer that they are not alone in their suffering, there is someone who understands and can help you get past the suffering and not just survive but to live and thrive and bring joy and healing to others as well.

2 AM

Well, it’s Sunday night sorta Monday morning… Two o’clock in da mornin’ and I have now lost half a day of work… This time it’s the internet. The internet is part of the lease here. It wasn’t a choice I was allowed to make they just did it for me and hiked up the price, […]

2 AM Read More »

Please Help

As of last night the only working toilet we have left is now also clogged. I’m paying for a two bedroom two bathroom apartment and we only had one working toilet for the year. As I was writing this the maintenance staff who’s been verbally abusive as well as sleeping with my neighbor who has

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Let’s Talk About It

Lately I’ve been leaning into a mantra in all my comments and posts on Instagram and it feels a little hokey if I am honest but after the bullshit that my sibling put me through in June I am needing the reminder of why I do what I do. Actually a post on I saw

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I never plan these blog entries. I was thinking today as I made a long storytime caption on my last Instagram reel that I could easily write the same thing on a blog and actually be consistent here but then I also know my blog is very slow growing because, like everything else I make,

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I Gave Myself a Deadline

I started this post yesterday then deleted it. I’m starting again with the weight of my inner dialog saying “no one cares, you’re always whining,” and I’m not really sure what else is tumbling around in there. Once again I find myself scared of my music. While what, I suspected, was the source of my

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