

This calendar year has been a roller-coaster, I feel like I keep saying that everywhere. The highs and lows have been unexpected and exhausting but I believe I feel a little bit of peace for now. Within minutes yesterday morning I went from trying to share my feelings of shame, confusion and grief to a […]

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Day 1

Almost 6 hours into my 40th trip around the sun 05:50 ET. I was born some time early in the morning on a Tuesday. Yesterday, on the last day of my 39th trip around the sun, I wrote a song contemplating everything that has molded me into who I am, all the years I was

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3 Days

I’m hoping for the best for my next trip around the sun. With being so close to getting evicted I’m not sure how good it will be. Today I got an official email letting me know I will be one of the participants for Save & Raid. Save & Raid is an event put together

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5:31:22 05:16

Pain I’ve been in pain Friday it started It’s not been better Sleep is elusive again My uterus wants an inhabitant I want… Can’t say it… Yet? Ever? Idk… Hey! Bo Burnham made a new YT vid ha ha yeah it made me want… Idk I don’t feel cute except when I dream No need

5:31:22 05:16 Read More »

My bunny needs help

I haven’t posted since July. Life has been really tough mentally. I’ve gone through a lot of odd little things that have triggered my probable attachment issues mid-year and then I had to move from a really toxic environment, and I say that quite literally, you can see the IG and Twitter posts I made

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