Disabled Artist

8 Days

I’ve been unable to record vlogs because of how dysregulated I have been feeling after my ex-therapist/ex-client put me in the financial crisis I am in.

8 Days Read More »

Hump Day Already?

Here’s a little video I made for Insta, which you can watch from my promo art page with the original audio. Besides the new video tonight at 7 PM ET and the stream in the Fediverse at 9 PM ET I’m very excited to announce that because of some help from an amazing Bun Supporter

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What Was I Angry About?

I started this post on Instagram While I’m still 5 weeks away from being able to make posts with the songs from my new album #IntoTheLight I’m okay to use music from my 2nd album #Shadowlands Shadowlands was created as an album with music from some of my darkest days of #depression with my #CPTSD

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2 AM

Well, it’s Sunday night sorta Monday morning… Two o’clock in da mornin’ and I have now lost half a day of work… This time it’s the internet. The internet is part of the lease here. It wasn’t a choice I was allowed to make they just did it for me and hiked up the price,

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I’m behind on so much right now. My music channel, my vlog, this here all off schedule. I haven’t connected with friends because I don’t know how safe it would be at the moment with some of them. My body had needed extra rest since I spent most of February and all of March barely

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