
I write, draw, paint, sing, play my guitar and try to love others because I know I am dearly and endlessly loved and many of us are hurt and trampled and end up hurting others because no one chose to love us... But I believe we are all here to teach each other about the goodness that exists in this world and to evolve as a race to greater acts of love, compassion, and sacrifice... including and not limited to loving the earth and animals that are all around us that we have forgotten to watch after. I have been singing since I can remember and I really want to encourage others who suffer that they are not alone in their suffering, there is someone who understands and can help you get past the suffering and not just survive but to live and thrive and bring joy and healing to others as well.

Stuck In My Head

Do you ever wake up with a song stuck in your head? Before I go on sorry for not posting in so long. Life has yet again gotten to be a bit much. Sometimes I wonder if that is just my curse for coping with CPTSD but at any rate back to my original thought.

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Titles n Stuff

The world has been in pain for years. I guess a lot of people don’t care until it hits home. I talked about this a bit on my last podcast but I never feel like I have enough words for everything that rolls around in my head. Sometimes, I get upset with myself when I

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Fight For It

Here is a reality Under the moonlight my Buried memories huddle together Bubbling up to overflow, swell Another moment I need to breathe Just beyond the fingertips Akin to angels a Sensual whisper deep in my psyche Obdurate indeed I remain; Nary a hope to quench my mind How are you? Urges from the heart

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5:31:22 05:16

Pain I’ve been in pain Friday it started It’s not been better Sleep is elusive again My uterus wants an inhabitant I want… Can’t say it… Yet? Ever? Idk… Hey! Bo Burnham made a new YT vid ha ha yeah it made me want… Idk I don’t feel cute except when I dream No need

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