

Twenty four years ago my father blamed me for his marriage falling apart. Let me warn you now, this post comes with heavy content warnings of abuse (all types), poverty, war, maybe suicidal ideation and sexual abuse, proceed with caution. A week ago my brain was so swollen I felt my guts churning into a […]

Ibuprofen Read More »

8 Days

I’ve been unable to record vlogs because of how dysregulated I have been feeling after my ex-therapist/ex-client put me in the financial crisis I am in.

8 Days Read More »

Does It Ever End?

I’m used to being told to shut up. For whatever reason I thought that standing up and stepping into “self employment” I would somehow be free from this phenomenon. It just grows. ⚠️Content Warning ⚠️ Suicidal Ideation, Inappropriate Sexual Behavior, Topics of Incest I have tried to be honest and vulnerable in hopes that in

Does It Ever End? Read More »

5:31:22 05:16

Pain I’ve been in pain Friday it started It’s not been better Sleep is elusive again My uterus wants an inhabitant I want… Can’t say it… Yet? Ever? Idk… Hey! Bo Burnham made a new YT vid ha ha yeah it made me want… Idk I don’t feel cute except when I dream No need

5:31:22 05:16 Read More »

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