
I write, draw, paint, sing, play my guitar and try to love others because I know I am dearly and endlessly loved and many of us are hurt and trampled and end up hurting others because no one chose to love us... But I believe we are all here to teach each other about the goodness that exists in this world and to evolve as a race to greater acts of love, compassion, and sacrifice... including and not limited to loving the earth and animals that are all around us that we have forgotten to watch after. I have been singing since I can remember and I really want to encourage others who suffer that they are not alone in their suffering, there is someone who understands and can help you get past the suffering and not just survive but to live and thrive and bring joy and healing to others as well.

4 Days

I woke up feeling really sick. My stomach will not stop hurting. It might just be trapped hot gas, but either way I didn’t have much motivation to try and pull more funds in to avoid this eviction. My birthday is so hard for me to talk about yet here I am. I’m not sure […]

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5 Days

Guess what everyone? Shares are free! I slept 12 hours today. It’s my deceased father’s birthday today. I’m writing from my desk, half of me wanted to just end the post there as if it would make me mysterious or something. Feels silly but I giggled and it’s hard for me to find things to

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6 Days

I’ll be honest, today, I’m struggling to meet this challenge I made for myself. Things out of my control have made me feel incompetent for over a week now but I’m trying to move past it. Content Warning soon enough there will be heavy cursing, some expressed anger. Last night my toilet got clogged, if

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7 Days

I challenged myself to post daily until my birthday next week. That’s what the cryptic count down is about. At this moment in the heart of semi-hiding I’m wondering if I did so to avoid the one platform where I get more engagement, Instagram. It might seem off to you, why would anyone avoid such

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8 Days

I’ve been unable to record vlogs because of how dysregulated I have been feeling after my ex-therapist/ex-client put me in the financial crisis I am in.

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