Rilla’s Sign

Support a Small Woman Owned Business

Rilla’s Crystals & Gifts

This blossoming woman owned business began with a dream…

First online sales & art shows, then mall kiosks… now a brick & mortar store but she needs support.

Can you lend a hand?

Who is Rilla?

Well, that’s me, sorta. It’s my great grandmother honored through me – her first name, my middle name.

It started for me as an outlet, my hands forming adornments for anyone to wear and feel beautiful. Then my creations were loved enough to be taken into the hands of others…

Suddenly, and the dawn of 2017 I had a Facebook page; I was going to farmers markets and local craft shows traveling from here at home in Ohio to Michigan and Indiana. Two almost three years later I took a bold step to out myself out there on the great world wide web – Rilla’s Crystals and Gifts  previously (Rilla’s Rings & Things)

Six years passed since that first blooming gesture of being a “Business” and we planted roots and started selling at a local mall.

Now we’re here, Mid 2024, my dream’s still flourishing but I need help. Asking for help scares me, I think that’s a common phenomenon, but human nature is to live in community. We build connections and form bonds, we work together mutually needing one another where one is weak another is strong so here I am asking you to be my strength right now.

I want a sign to shout out “here I am” in my own manner of being, for Rilla to shine and bring beauty and joy and love into a dark world like the dawn that ends the night through the work of my hands and that of others, with gifts and crystals that can warm your heart.

Will you help me make my store stronger and keep this small woman owned business growing as far as it can go?
QR code in pink, Scan Here PayPal Fundraiser
Find how to help by scanning here or click for the link

Thank you for reading,

Dawn (Rilla) Saverstrom


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